SIG/HPC Meeting 2024-02-08¶
- Sherif Nagy
- Neil Hanlon
- Chris Simmons
(Neil forgot to take attendence)
Follow Ups¶
- Slurm 23.11.5 in production
- Adjust conflicts and provides for older packages
- Meeting with intel on Monday re: GPU drivers; need insight on testin
- Monday @4PM Eastern (?) - chris will invite NEil
- Secureboot support?
- Driver is fully open source
- no update from chris on PMIX
- no movement on Lustre filesystem yet
- Neil to put in tickets actually for [[Meeting/2024-01-25/Rocky/SIG/HPC|Last Meeting]]
- Brian Phan and Forrest Burt gave talks on Warewulf/Apptainer
- Sherif and Brian met up at FOSDEM and discussed testing for WW, and what we can/should test
- (Neil had to leave early)
Open Floor¶
- N/A
Action Items¶
- N/A